Your ShareSpace Pricing

Your ShareSpace:

Includes a standard customized and branded “intranet” platform with your specific departments, human resources material, google calendars, marketing, operations, customized QR code, Perfect Day Playbook, and Successful Meetings Playbook.

Custom Build Cost: $4,995

Digital Applications

Recurring Monthly Cost: $79.00 Per Month or $699 Yearly (Savings of $20 Per Month).

Includes (5) enhanced digital solutions for your small business. Choose from solutions listed below:

  • 3 KPI Reporting Metrics

  • Employee Directory

  • Buyers Dashboard

  • Customer Delivery Tracking

  • Product Knowledge Database

  • Special Orders Form/Dashboard

  • Maintenance Requests

  • Supplier Lookup

  • Vendor Lookup

  • Weekly Reporting

  • Employee Recognition

*Any additional applications are offered at $10 per month. (View applications)


Includes comprehensive video training programs and workbooks for your staff training needs:

  • “EmPower Tools” Leadership Development Program

  • "Transformational Sales" Video Series

  • "ReFresh Plus" Videos Series

  • “By The Numbers” Video series

  • “Plant Your People” employee attraction and retention program.

LearnSpace is an additional one-time investment of $799 to be added to your intranet site for continuous learning!

We Also Offer Any Additional Customized Data Wrangling, Employee Scheduling Template and Real-time Data Reporting Capabilities To Be Built Within Your Intranet Site. See Samples Below:

Special Request Dashboard

We hear it too often that customers have special requests for retail items, plants or hard to stock items and want to put in an order request. We help create a form that is entered in at the register and later can be tracked and managed for special requested items.

KPI Reporting Charts

We help design responsive charts and graphs for team goals for your intranet site. Employees are able to digest the current sales status from seeing quick charts in their intranet site to keep updated with sales target as a whole or individually.

Warehouse Packing Tracker

We help design a process to better manage and track your warehouse inventory items. We have a template that allows our dashboard to summarize the activity and the aging of items to better gauge work and volume of shipments.